Copper is a versatile element known for its purification and wellness properties, offering transformative effects that rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.
This lustrous, reddish-gold metal holds the distinction of being one of humanity's first mastered materials. The discovery that copper could be strengthened by combining it with tin, giving birth to resilient bronze, was a significant leap forward that marked the dawn of the Bronze Age. While traditionally used alongside gold and silver to mint currency, copper's abundance ensures it remains a steadfast contributor to the composition of all US coins in circulation today. [1]
Copper plays a pivotal role within the human body, revered for its healing prowess and integral to the cellular energy transfer process, highlighting its vital contribution to our overall health and well-being.
Its superior conductivity also makes it an indispensable resource in the electrical industry, widely employed for its efficient transfer of both heat and electricity.
Its remarkable antibacterial qualities have been proven to repel more than 96.8% of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making it a powerful ally in the fight against persistent microbial threats in healthcare. [2]

Unlocking the Biological Wonders of Copper
To maintain optimal health, adults should include around 1.2 milligrams of copper in their daily diet. Copper is essential for supporting enzymes involved in energy transfer within cells, as well as for strengthening and stabilizing connective tissues. [1] Research demonstrates that copper has a beneficial impact on the process of wound healing, highlighting its importance in the body's ability to effectively repair and regenerate tissue.
Copper also enhances the natural defense mechanisms of the human body by amplifying the bacteria-killing and debris-engulfing actions of neutrophils, as well as boosting the germ-fighting capabilities of macrophages, which are pivotal components of the immune system. [3]
Not only does copper fight infections, but it also plays a fascinating role in the healing of wounds. Recent studies have shown that copper can control the expression of 84 genes linked to angiogenesis and wound repair. When it comes to promoting healing, copper truly acts as a superhero! [3]

The Energizer Bunny of Conductivity, Bridging Energies and Healing
Copper is an excellent electrical conductor, second only to silver among metals[4]. The arrangement of copper's electrons allows for a lower level of resistance to the flow of electrical currents[5]. The exceptional conductivity of copper is one of the key properties that makes it widely used in electrical wiring, power transmission, and various electronic applications.[6] Copper, unlike other metals, does not rust. It forms a greenish patina called copper oxide, which protects the metal from corrosion while still allowing for conductivity [7]. Copper is highly efficient in transferring electrons, maximizing energy transfer. Its exceptional conductivity enables it to effortlessly transmit energy like a seasoned earth element.
The resurgence of copper's popularity goes beyond its industrial use; its esoteric applications have also played a vital role! Recognized for its outstanding ability to conduct energy, copper has become a sought-after tool in various healing practices and the realm of alchemy.
As an energy conductor, copper harmonizes and enhances the flow of energy within the body, promoting balance and revitalization. Furthermore, it acts as a powerful transmitter, facilitating the transfer of energies from other elements, such as semi-precious stones. This unique synergy between copper and gemstones unlocks healing properties and enhances untapped potentials.
The Ancient Cure-All
Copper's healing powers have withstood the test of time! From ancient civilizations to modern medicine, the use of copper for therapeutic purposes has persisted throughout the ages. Ancient texts have extensively documented copper's remarkable healing properties. It demonstrates the ability to sterilize water, wounds, and combat bacteria, capturing the intrigue of healers throughout history.
For centuries, copper has been a trusted cure-all, embraced by many civilizations. The Greeks applied a potent mixture of copper oxide and copper sulfate powders to expedite the healing of fresh wounds. In ancient Egypt, copper preparations were utilized for burns and headaches. Aztecs likely prevented sore throats by gargling with a copper elixir. Moreover, in India, they discovered that water stored in copper vessels, collected from rivers and wells, was safer to drink! [2]
While the medicinal properties of copper were well-known in ancient times, a serendipitous discovery by a group of curious research students in the 1980s ignited a modern-day revolution. These inquisitive minds stumbled upon the finding that brass doorknobs, made with copper alloys, harbored significantly fewer bacteria than their stainless steel counterparts. This groundbreaking revelation piqued the interest of Harold Michels, Ph.D., and Bill Keevil, Ph.D., who were determined to unravel copper's potent antimicrobial potential. With secured funding, they undertook a journey of laboratory tests and research, ultimately culminating in a clinical trial conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense. [2]
In the vast plains of Calama, Chile, this remarkable discovery led to the emergence of an extraordinary institution - The Copper Hospital, renowned as El Hospital de Cobre. Located just two hours away from Santiago, this unique medical haven emerged from groundbreaking research. After Schmidt shared his findings, the captivating effects of copper on healing caught the attention of the local hospital, situated alongside the Codelco copper mines. Inspired by the immense therapeutic potential of copper, the hospital embarked on a transformative journey, integrating copper bed rails, bed lever handles, nursery stations, doorknobs, push plates, sinks, and faucets. Today, El Hospital de Cobre stands as a beacon of cutting-edge medical care, harnessing the natural antibacterial powers of copper for the benefit of its patients. Copper is now recognized as the first solid antimicrobial material by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Copper has several beneficial properties for the human body, including enhancing the immune system, promoting wound healing, and acting as an excellent electrical conductor. It can harmonize and enhance energy flow within the body, and its healing properties have been recognized since ancient times. So, next time you're seeking ancient wisdom in your healing journey, let copper work its magic and transport you back to the timeless realm of holistic wellness. Embrace the age-old healing touch of copper!

Works Cited
[1] Copper - Element Information, Properties and Uses | Periodic Table. www.rsc.org/periodic-table/element/29/copper.
[2] Smith, Bryan. “The Killer Bug and the Copper Cure.” Men’s Health, vol. 28, no. 8, Oct. 2013, pp. 188–95. EBSCOhost, research.ebsco.com/linkprocessor/plink?id=a3d3dafb-907c-3052-be43-cc541effc6a8.
[3] Sandoval, Cristian et al. “Effectiveness of Copper Nanoparticles in Wound Healing Process Using In Vivo and In Vitro Studies: A Systematic Review.” Pharmaceutics vol. 14,9 1838. 31 Aug. 2022, doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14091838
[4] “Copper | Uses, Properties, and Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 27 Jan. 2024, www.britannica.com/science/copper.
[5] “Copper Conductor.” Wikipedia, 29 Nov. 2023, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper_conductor.
[6] “Copper Attributes and Alloys.” Copper Alliance, copperalliance.org/sustainable-copper/about-copper/copper-attributes-and-alloys.
[7]“Why Is Copper the Best Choice for Electrical Connectors?” Mead Metals, Inc., www.meadmetals.com/blog/copper-electrical-connectors-conductivity.